Just my $0.05 worth...

I agree about doing up your own corset...... if your laces are long
enough (and they should be) just cross the laces over, hook them over
a door knob, face the door and then you can exert some pull on the
laces as you step backwards, working the laces from top to bottom...
putting on a corset should be an easy process... granted the
Elizabethan styles  that are laced right up to your shoulder blades
would be interesting to try......

Elizabeth, you are in Canberra?, where do you by you corset supplies
from (spiral steel and busks)?


On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 8:49 AM, Elizabeth Walpole
<ewalp...@grapevine.com.au> wrote:
> I follow much the same procedure but I tighten the laces on my own corset,
> it's easier than teaching somebody else (as nobody else in my house is a
> costumer), I've told people before if you can do up your own bra you can
> lace up your own Victorian corset (although other eras with a higher back
> are trickier, because it's difficult to reach much higher than your shoulder
> blades).
> Elizabeth
> -------------------------------
> Elizabeth Walpole
> Canberra, Australia
> http://magpiecostumer.110mb.com/
> -----Original Message-----
> From: h-costume-boun...@indra.com [mailto:h-costume-boun...@indra.com] On
> Behalf Of Sharon Collier
> Sent: Tuesday, 24 February 2009 8:50 AM
> To: 'Historical Costume'
> Subject: Re: [h-cost] Victorian corset on UK TV
> When I wear my corset, I first hook up the front, then I get someone to
> tighten the back laces. You can just wear it without tightening, but it
> won't be as fitted and often you need the tightening to get the "girls" to
> be held in the right place so they don't slip down.:-) However, this year at
> Dickens Fair, I just wore it as  hooked and didn't tighten it except for
> when I wore my fancy dress, which has a smaller waist.
> Sharon C.
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