Love them. Just make sure to use them like you would reeds or baleen:
ie every channel or every second channel. And make sure to bone the
entire thing or get some additional support in there. Metal is a newer
material and essentially allowed for a lot of cutting back of the
amount of boning required.
Baleen also forms and shapes to the wearer over time and so do some
metal bones (some vintage pieces show this).

>  The only real problem I've had with them is that in order to get them
>  longer than about 14", you have to go up to a thicker/wider tie (or
>  order off the interweb).

Or go to a trade electrical supply store :) There is a chain of them
here in NZ where I can pick up ~7mm X 450mm long easy peasy :) You can
also buy it as continual lengths if you ask for them to get it in
stock (actually works even more like baleen but you need to sand the
rough lumps off (these use a small metal tip to tie).

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