On May 27, 2009, at 2:59 AM, Sharon Collier wrote:

Thank you. Very interesting. Looks like what I want is a caul with a
decorated billiment. Does that sound like what they were wearing in 1570's?

A caul on its own is more likely. Billiments generally appeared on the front of French hoods. Images do appear of a billiment with a gathered bag on the back, like these:
but they generally appear on children, not adults.

The exception I've found is Christina of Denmark
http://www.studio-international.co.uk/studio-images/holbein/ Christina_b.jpg
but hers lacks a decorative billiment.

This one
http://www.englandhistory.com/sections/government/Monarchs/ ElizabethI.jpg looks like a decorated caul with a veil pinned so that the edge makes small scallops over the top.

Melanie Schuessler
h-costume mailing list

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