On Jul 4, 2009, at 12:06 AM, Sylvia Rognstad wrote:

Here's a question for those (like me) old-timers out there. I may be going to a 1960s hippies style event and if so, need to wear a costume. My recollection isn't so good. Remember what they said: "If you can remember it, you weren't really there"? Anyhow, I'm trying to remember when long skirts and dresses came in. I can only recall wearing them in the 1970s, but my legs, not being what they used to be, definitely do not want to be seen in a mini skirt, which is all I can remember wearing in the late 60s. Along with bell bottom pants, of course, which is an option, but I prefer a dress.

What do you early boomers recall?
What I remember is that, when I was in grade school (up through '69/'70) we were specifically prohibited from wearing "granny gowns" to school, i.e., floor-length "peasanty" style dresses. The prohibition means, of course, that they must have been popular and fashionable at the time. (As I recall it, the prohibition was more or less defined by length, but the specific popular style that made it necessary was the one nicknamed "granny gowns". I think they were sort of proto-Laura Ashley type dresses.)

Heather Jones (b. 1958, so a middling-to-late boomer)
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