> She did violence to a number of Vecellio's images--I actually used Wilcox
> to make my very first "Renaissance" costume in high school and years later
> found out that the image I used was Vecellio's imperfect interpretation of
> the previous century re-drawn with "improvements" by Wilcox.  Needless to
> say, it was several degrees of separation from accuracy.  Luckily that
> costume was long since taken apart and made into something else!

Back in 1971 when I joined the SCA "nobody" had Janet Arnold.  But thanks to
(I think) Dover, we could get Wilcox.  I remember relying on it heavily when
I had nothing but that and my tattered copy of Davenport.  After a while I
learned what was what, and what wasn't, but it took years.  Nowadays I don't
even recommend Wilcox as an overview, tho I do still have a copy of it.  I
dumped my copy of Peacock as useless, and wonder why I ever bought it.  At
least the illustrations in Wilcox are fun.

Carolyn Kayta Barrows
“The future is already here, it is just unevenly distributed.”   -William
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