Just thought I'd tell you what I did try with this lovely bit of wool
that was too pink...  I had attempted overdying this piece of fabric
several years ago, with what I don't remember now with the only result
was the fulling of the fabric.

Therefore I started with a dye remover.  I suspect that I didn't have
enough to do much for the yardage, but since I saw NO color seepage
into the water, I doubt it would have mattered if I'd had more.

I had the brown dye on hand and I'm not likely to use brown dye
anytime soon, so I went ahead and did the dye bath.  It did not take,
at all.

In the end, I turned the fabric over to the friend who owns it and I
believe she is planning to have a lovely fucshia viking
caftan/overcoat of this wonderfully fulled wool.  She will be warm,
dry and highly visible when wearing it.


> On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 4:21 PM, Alexandria Doyle <garbaho...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> I have a length of wool that is a fushia color that I would like to
>> take to burgundy.  any suggestions on the colors to add to the fushia
>> to get burgundy?  I was thinking blue, but don't want to go purple...
>> alex

So much to do and so little attention span to get it done with…
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