On May 12, 2010, at 6:42 PM, Zuzana Kraemerova wrote:

Tell me one thing. How would be the situation if I asked the museum for close up photos of the fabric? I would do the design with help of these pictures. The result would be the same. Maybe I will do it, I will ask the museum for close up pictures for me to see the original. How on earth can you say which material I used in the end to produce the design given to a commercial weaver? Is there any copyright law regarding reproductions of extant garments/textiles?
Sartor...custom-made costumes

It's not copyright, but there are rights of ownership. If you are looking to copy that exact textile, then you should be in touch with the museum that owns it. If you are designing something inspired by it and other textiles, that's a different matter.

Those writing books will buy originals or study in a museum, with specific permission of how they may use their photographs of museum objects.

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