Beteena, I completely agree. Sometimes articles appear that are in my
field and I use them as 'refreshers'. Other times I am learning, too.
My problem now is that there are too many things I want to make, and I
only have so many days in the week to do them, my day job, my family
life and all the dance events I organise!

Bye for now,
Earthly Delights Historic Dance Academy
Director, Jane Austen Festival Australia

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 8:19 PM, Beteena Paradise
<> wrote:
> My impression was that the site was not for beginners. Some of the articles 
> are pretty advanced. And that impression seems to be supported by the words 
> of the editor herself in her response to this list. In fact, the people that 
> I know who subscribe to it are quite advanced costumers who would gain 
> nothing from a beginning site at all.
> But, as always, ymmv.
> ________________________________
> From: Lavolta Press <>
> To: Historical Costume <>
> Sent: Wed, May 19, 2010 6:26:22 AM
> Subject: Re: [h-cost] Query re: website
>> My impression is somewhat different--but then, so may my definition of
>> "beginner".  To me, a "beginner" is still learning to sew, let alone apply
>> that knowledge to historic clothing.
> I'd say "beginning costumer." I think they are right in focusing the site on 
> costuming and not on sewing basics per se--too much competition from 
> established sewing magazines. I'm not really in their market, but obviously 
> they need to do what they think will sell the largest number of subscriptions.
> Fran
> Lavolta Press
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