On Sat, Jun 12, 2010 at 4:23 PM, otsisto <otsi...@socket.net> wrote:
> Which gown? There are at least 4 types.

This is the one:

> Are you speaking of the burial gown?
> http://farm1.static.flickr.com/155/413141744_784f44dc14_o.jpg
> http://tinyurl.com/278vn6n

That's what I was thinking as well, and was leaning toward something
gold or metalic

> Personal thought is that a white would be to stark.
> 4 inches? That seems a bit wide.

The triming down at the hem and up the front of the skirt is
definitely wide, I think 4 inches, while the bodice has three inches.
I hadn't considered using a mix of trim and fabric, that would give me
a core that ties the two trims together, while giving me the
appropirate width for each section.

> You do have the option of using the strip of silk that is dyed as a way to
> widen the trim by laying a 2" or more trim on that and possibly if you feel
> the need, embellish.
> You should look for trim that is gold tone and possibly trim with hint of
> white or small pearl bead accents.
> Or the trim can be a complimentary color with gold metallic.

Hum, i can add bits of narrow gold trim to something of middling
width, and I think I'll see what green looks like against it...  might
have to go fabric shopping this weekend...

thanks for the thoughts
> De
> -----Original Message-----

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