We happen to know exactly where it came from!
Letty Amanda Strout wore this blouse / shirtwaist while a student at Wellesley 
College (class of 1907).  At some point, it was washed, ironed, and put away.  
It was stuffed in a garbage bag sometime in the 1970s.
Every stitch is original and nothing has been removed or otherwise altered.  
It's in remarkably good condition, all things considered.
     From: Lavolta Press <f...@lavoltapress.com>
 To: Historical Costume <h-cost...@indra.com> 
 Sent: Friday, August 14, 2015 5:05 PM
 Subject: Re: [h-cost] Stange detail on early 1900's shirtwaists - help?
I don't know where the blouse came from, but there is another issue with 
vintage items.  Dealers repair items to make them salable.  I have seen 
ties I am sure were modernly shortened (different thread and stitch 
lengths), probably because the ends were frayed.  And ties cut off 
altogether all the way up to the center back where they were sewed down.

Lavolta Press
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