I did some more tests using different JDKs now.
With jdk1.8.0_151 which you are using in the Travis build I do not see this 
exception either.
However with the jdk1.8.0_202 this exception occurs. 
I have attached a standalone testcase with SSL debug enabled, as the test 
in org.h2.test.unit.TestTools do not spot the issue, likely because client 
and server live in the same JVM sharing the same key infrastructure.

Note the stopServer() function of the skript does not work if ssl fails.

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dir=$(dirname "$0")

function h2() {
${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -cp "$dir/bin/h2-1.4.200.jar" "$@"

function startServer() {
h2 org.h2.tools.Server \
 -tcp \
 -tcpSSL \
 -tcpAllowOthers  \
 -tcpPassword stop \
 -ifNotExists \
 -baseDir $basedir

function stopServer() {
h2 $JAVA_OPTIONS org.h2.tools.Server \
 -tcpPassword stop \
 -tcpShutdown ssl://localhost

function runQuery() {
h2 $JAVA_OPTIONS  org.h2.tools.RunScript  \
-url "jdbc:h2:ssl:localhost/test" \
-user sa -password sa \
-showResults \
-script $1

JAVA_OPTIONS="-Djavax.net.debug=SSL -DXjavax.net.ssl.trustStore=$HOME/.h2.keystore"
h2 -version
startServer &
echo "select session_id();" | runQuery /dev/stdin

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