Dear All,

compliments. I have a hard time with URIs under Windows (simply because
I do not know this OS very well.)

In our own Java code, all URIs are defined as:

groovy> URI uri = new URI("file:/C:/Users/manticore/.manticore/ifrsbox"); 
groovy> File f = new File(uri); 
Result: C:\Users\manticore\.manticore\ifrsbox <-- OK!

Based on that understanding, I would have specified the H2 connection
string as:


But this gives me

General error: "java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index 
2: /C:/Users/manticore/.manticore/ifrsbox" [50000-201] HY000/50000 (Help)

Instead, the following seems to work as H2 connection string:


jdbc:h2:C:/Users/manticore/.manticore/ifrsbox (wow!)

but fails as URI:

groovy> URI uri = new URI("file:C:/Users/manticore/.manticore/ifrsbox"); 
groovy> File f = new File(uri); 
Exception thrown

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URI is not hierarchical

        at<init>(Unknown Source)


Now I have two questions please:

1) is that a Bug or a Feature? (in my opinion, 
"jdbc:h2:file:/C:/Users/manticore/.manticore/ifrsbox" was more logical than 
"jdbc:h2:file:C:/Users/manticore/.manticore/ifrsbox" and especially 

2) if it was a feature, then what would be the best way to get the DB File Name 
from a Connection URL, given the three different Schemes like 
"jdbc:h2:file:C:/Users/manticore/.manticore/ifrsbox" and 

Thank you already and best regards

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