I feel strongly that this is a bad way to go.  While I support Creative
Commons licensing in general, making it a requirement may prohibit many of
us from being able to fully participate.

As an example, when I have published articles for academic journals, I have
been required to hand over certain rights to the academic journals.
Requiring Creative Commons licensing would mean that I could not contribute
my articles to the site.  Friends of mine are journalists, and I am
concerned about them being likewise restricted in what they can contribute.

When it comes to graphics design, I believe there are similar issues.  This
was recently discussed in comments in the blogforamerica, but I don't know
the details.

I like the proposal that I believe AMStanton suggested during the IRC
meeteing that we default to Creative Commons licensing, and personally, I
like the Attribution-ShareAlike License best, but that we allow users to



-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of zrosen
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 1:38 AM
Subject: [hackers] How should we be enforcing Creative Commons

My choice is to require all people who sign up using our code to concede all
rights to their material to a Creative Commons share alike attribution
liscense. (or they we could give htem a couple other options for different

What do you guys thing?

List other scenarios on the wikki and bring it to the list.



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