Okay, I am a volunteer for my local Dean campaign office in Lebanon, NH. A small group of us are working on putting up a local website. We heard about what you are doing and obviously want to be able to use the tools you're working on. We registered a domain name and bought hosting for our domain. I downloaded drupal (the same version you suggest) and have been trying to install it and am having a horrible time. I first tried to install it on my free host that allows every other CMS I have attempted to install on it...but I got nowhere with drupal. I only have one database and tried for about 8 hours to figure out why it wouldn't install. The install directions are absolutely awful and the average user (like me) don't find them very useful. So, I have been trying since last night to install drupal on the paid host and it's not working. I created a database, am pretty sure I created the basic tables for mysql but I can't get the thing to work and just get an error message when I try to point to it. I'm no expert on these things, but have successfully installed many PHP programs on hosts in the past and I have to say that drupal is NOT user friendly to the majority of the people these tools will be directed at. I would strongly suggest that someone write some installation directions that are simple to follow and effective. It doesn't matter how great a program is if people can't get it installed. I fear this will lead to many headaches for those working on these tools and may result in people becoming so frustrated trying to install drupal that they give up on using the tools. I'm very close to that point already and I am very persistent. The drupal project site has not been helpful to me, either, because their directions aren't really written for the average person. In the meantime...if anyone could assist me in getting drupal working, it would be much appreciated. I really wanted to get our site up and running and if I can't get drupal installed today I might have to abandon using it and go back to my previous plan and use Xoops instead. I really want to be able to use the tools you guys are working so hard to create...but they aren't going to do me any good if I can't install drupal.

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