Neil, did you make any changes to the event.mysql file from the last release? I'm asking because I just uploaded the new event.css file to drupal/misc and put the new event.module file in the module directory to replace the last one and it looks like I might not have to alter the table in the database for the visual calendar to work...and I'm not losing my events, which is nice. You might want to check this out and put upgrade notes in the read me files if they aren't currently there.

You can see how it works without changing the event.mysql file by going to
On Sunday, July 27, 2003, at 04:02 AM, Neil Drumm wrote:



New things are the upcoming events block and the calendar which appears when you click the header of the small broswe events calendar. I've exhaused my ideas for event browseability, please let me know if there are any features which would enhance that.

Themers: The large calendar has the same css classes as the small one, but with the container of "calendar-large" instead of "calendar." Please add some color.

Next for me: style rsvp and email reminders (but not venue voting, that will have to separately use the poll module). There will be a SQL change for this.


aim: ndrumm3

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