If you're looking for something more, I would point you back to the
endorse module since you did such a good job with it.

Well golly thanks. :) I needed that since I'm not feeling overly competent today. Anyone looking at the grassroots theme can see why. (Actually, I got frustrated over something you *can't* see, which I'll take up on developers since it affects more than just grassroots.)

I'm not sure where/to who I described this before (hopefully I did it on
the list), but I've come to see endorse as two parts:

1) personal messages (which you have already completed)
2) pre-done messages

Endorse.module has a pre-done message (only one) that is written by the site admin. I wanted to keep it simple and actionable; I didn't want people to get tied up in choices. If they're at a DeanSpace site, they're probably there for a reason--it speaks to regional or virtual (ie an interest group or community) concerns. Who better to specifically address those concerns than the site admin? We could not do a better job.

Illinois for Dean has put together Dean-o-grams

Strangely enough I just put the term Deanagram (different spelling) in endorse.module without having seen I4D. :) Great minds etc.

Here are the ones I sent them a few weeks ago (the developer got waylaid
by paying clients):

What you're basically describing isn't so much endorse but send a postcard. I kinda thought endorse.module--and PLEASE don't take offense at this--was supposed to be a more issues-oriented thing. I love postcards, many sites I've done have them, don't get me wrong. But I didn't think endorse.module was supposed to be that. The concern that some folks won't know what to say just means I should change the wording a little to "You can add your own message here IF YOU LIKE." Emphasis added. :)

1) have "send a dean-o-gram" (goes to page to choose pre-done graphics)
and "tell a friend" (which goes to personal message)

This sounds like two separate modules to me, because some sites won't want to run the postcard option I'm betting (bandwidth consideration).

I can probably do a postcard.module if folks want it, I mean, god knows I've worked with enough different postcard programs to figure it out. It would require a db modification--adding a table for the postcards.

Lynn S.

Lynn Siprelle * Writer, Mother, Programmer, Fiber Artisan
The New Homemaker: http://www.newhomemaker.com/
Siprelle & Associates: http://www.siprelle.com/
People-Powered Howard! http://www.deanforamerica.com/

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