On Fri, 1 Aug 2003, CMR wrote:

> > > It seems to me that there's a "third way" for this to work. I think the
> > > media needs to be in some ways both centrally organize/aggregated, but
> > > also distributed in terms of production and actual media hosting.
> > >
> > > In other words, there needs to be a main source for finding Dean media,
> > > but that main source should not be a controlling entity, and our media
> > > functionality should not be dependent upon it.
> >
> > Yes - i agree 100%. There needs to be a central place to search - but
> > central submission / vetting is bad news bears.
> >
> > -Zack
> >
> >
> Yeah, given the centralized searchable data repository component, I'm on
> board...

Great - then lets think of ways to help ping solve the technical problems
of decentralized media aggregation.  They are up on the wiki (well the
book i guess now) - and lay out a clear / consise design doc for how to
make the distributed system work.


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