On Fri, 23 Jan 2004, Orna Agmon wrote:

> Regarding all question about the Staying in Linux Lectures, aka SiL:
> Guy started the SiL with three incredibly useful topics:
> 1.Users, groups, persmissions.
> 2.Drivers, modules, kernel.
> 3.Multimedia.
> Then a forth was added:
> 4.Shell.
> The problem of W2L is that it takes place every week, and since most
> Haifux members do not come to W2L, and most of them learn nothing new in
> W2L, I call this time "the W2L drought".
> Since the SiL lectures take place only every two weeks, this does not hurt
> the regular Haifux lectures, which are still given every two weeks.
> Usually, during a regular Haifux lecture, we go over the material rather
> quickly. For example, compare the lectures we had regarding python, lambda
> calculus, php, to your first programming language course, if you had any:
> we cover the material fast, not aiming to teach everything, but to have an
> intro, to get the concept, and go back to the manual if needed. To get
> exposed to new subjects. In short, we assume a rather
> high common denominator of knowledge, in order to make those regular
> Haifux lectures interesting.
> Even in the W2L lectures we go fast over the material, for another reason:
> we want to squeeze 6-8 lectures in the time between the beginning of the
> semester and the mid-term exams. Again: we run fast over the material.
>  In the SiL lectures, following the great example Guy gave at the
> lectures he has so far given, we go slow. We give examples. we make it
> possible to learn frontally. In short, instead of "going over the
> material", we teach. Also, we go in the beginning over material that is
> basic Linux, but for lack of time does not get into the W2L.
> We assume no prior knowledge. Hence, it makes it possible for people who
> only heard the W2L, to join Haifux at an easy rate.
> If you do not like the SiL, you can just ignore it: regular (advanced)
> Haifux lectures are still given at a two-weeks interval.
> If you like a SiL topic, you can simply come - everyone is invited. As
> guy's drivers lecture showed, many regular Haifux members (veterans) came
> to hear it.
>  On Fri, 23 Jan 2004, Shlomi Fish
> wrote:
> >
> > That put aside, I don't think I understand the division between the SiL
> > lectures and the regular lectures:
> >
> > Up to shell everything is fine.
> >
> > Then CVS, why does it has to be in SiL?
> >
> > Then "Trust and Open Source" - again, why in SiL?
> because it requires no prior knowledge.

I don't think that lectures that do not require any prior knowledge must
automagically be placed in SiL. Lectures that are of interest to the
club's at large should be proper lectures regardless of the knowledge they
require. Otherwise, the newcomers will be confused and will think they
need to attend these lectures.

I don't think we should teach newcomers about CVS, so there's no reason to
put it there. Likewise, "Trust and Open Source" is of interest to the club
at large so it should be on the proper lectures.

You're overduing it with the SiL series.

> >
> > Afterwards Adir has two "Firweall with IP-Tables" lectures - one of them
> > SiL and the others not.
> >
> The first is intro - no prior knowledge. The next one requires prior
> knowledge or hearing the first one. people with less background can listen
> to both of them, while people with more background may skip the first one.

Then please designate them as part I, and part II. I personally think that
we can simply assume that some proper Haifux lectures will require little
or no prior knowledge, so we don't need to stretch the SiL series beyond
the Shell lecture. Instead, we can have more lectures on our queue.


        Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home Page:         http://t2.technion.ac.il/~shlomif/

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