Nadav Har'El wrote:

My favorite distribution, and the one I use on my home computer, is Fedora
Core. It comes with (or allows you to install through yum) almost everything
imaginable, including Hebrew support.

But, while yum makes it very easy to install new software and to keep your
system up to date if you have an internet connection,  But,
yum install apt

yum sux. sorry. lets move on.
The problem with Fedora is that it is a real pain to upgrade. You need to
get new CD-ROMs, and spend at least a full day on the upgrade process (which
doesn't ask you any questions - just takes a lot of time). It's not hard,
but very far from being fun either. If you choose not to upgrade (say, stay
with Fedora Core 5 even when 6 comes out), after a year you start stop getting
updates from yum.

This is a downside in Fedora that needs to be considered.
On the contrary - this is the STRONG side of Fedora. On every other distro, when the next version is released, the last release is unsupported. With Fedora, you have another year of updates, not security, but real updates, like new OpenOffice, a new Gnome, a new KDE, a new Kernel etc.

I found some small things I did not like in Fedora, but this, is what I really like about it.

I can recommend OpenSUSE 10.0. I heard mix reports about 10.1 and this is why I personally cannot recommend it.

What is the status of Mandriva/Ehad 2006?

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