I'm transitioning a rails 2.2.2 app from Centos 4 to Ubuntu 10. I'm
getting a compile error in rails:

 On line #162 of app/views/projects/show.haml

      159:               = "imported (ref:#{mi.myob_id})"
      160: - else
      161:   %p (No milestone invoices to display)
      162: = link_to 'Add milestone invoice', :controller =>
'invoices', :action => 'new_sales', :id => @project
      164: %h2 Subcontractor milestone invoices
      165: - if @project.invoices.subco_milestone.size > 0

      app/views/projects/show.haml:248:in `compile!'

I'm using haml gem version 3.1.1.

Has the syntax of link_to changed in haml? What is happening in this


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