Here is the whole template. Thanks. Nick

= render :partial => 'project_heading', :locals => { :project =>
@project }
- popuparray = ['new_window_name',
= link_to 'View wiki page', '' +
@project.number, :popup => popuparray
%h2 Overview
    %b Project Manager
  = format_name @project.manager
    %b Project Director
  = format_name @project.director
    %b Bid Manager
  = format_name @project.bid_manager
    %b Bid Director
  = format_name @project.bid_director
    %b Service team
    %b Account
    %b Date opened
  = format_date @project.date_opened
    %b Date closed
  = format_date @project.date_closed
    %b Customer
  = format_string @project.customer
    %b Customer reference
  = format_string @project.customer_reference
    %b Notes
    = format_string @project.notes
= link_to 'Edit these fields', :controller => 'projects', :action =>
'edit', :id => @project
%h2 Totals
      %td.l500 Type
      %td.c100 Value
      %td.c100 Subco value
      %td.c100 Fee value
      %td.l500 Contracts
      %td.c100= format_price @project.contracted_total
      %td.c100= format_price @project.subcontracted_total
      %td.c100= format_price @project.contracted_fee_total
      %td.l500 Milestone invoices
      %td.c100= format_price @project.milestone_invoice_total
      %td.c100= format_price @project.subco_milestone_invoice_total
      %td.c100= format_price @project.milestone_invoice_fee_total

      %td.l500 Type
      %td.c100 Value
      %td.l500 Total value of recoverable expenses budgets
      %td.c100= format_price @project.recoverable_expenses_total
      %td.l500 Total value of all recoverable expenses invoiced to
      %td.c100= format_price

%h2 Contracts
      %td.c100 Number
      %td.c100 Status
      %td.c100 Probability
      %td.c100 Start date
      %td.c100 End date
      %td.r100 Value
      %td.r100 Subco value
      %td.c100 Action
  - @project.contracts.each do |contract|
      %td.c100= link_to "#{contract.number} - Edit", :controller =>
'contracts', :action => 'edit', :id => contract
      %td.c100= contract.status_name
      %td.c100= contract.display_probability
      %td.c100= format_date contract.start_date
      %td.c100= format_date contract.end_date
        = format_price contract.value_in_sterling
        = "("+ format_price(contract.value_in_currency, {:unit =>
contract.currency.display_symbol} )+ ")" if !=
      %td.r100= link_to
"#{format_price(contract.subcontract_total)}", :controller =>
'subcontracts', :action => 'list', :id => contract
        - if contract.tasks.count > 0
          Cannot delete while tasks exist
        - else
          =  button_to 'delete', {:controller => 'contracts', :action
=> 'destroy', :id => contract }, |
                                      :confirm => 'Are you
sure?',                                     |
=> :delete,                                              |
                                      :class =>
'delete_button'                                        |

= link_to 'Add contract', :controller => 'contracts', :action =>
'new', :id => @project


%h1 Invoices
%h2 Milestone invoices
- if @project.invoices.milestone.size > 0
        %td.l450 Description
        %td.c100 Date
        %td.sorttable_numeric Amount
        %td.c100 Status
        %td.c175.sorttable_nosort Action
      - @project.invoices.milestone.each do |mi|
            - if mi.status == "Planned" || current_user.is_admin?
              = link_to
"#{format_invoice_description( mi )}", :controller =>
'invoices', :action => 'edit', :id => mi
            - else
              = format_invoice_description mi
          %td.c100= format_date
            = format_price mi.amount_in_sterling
            = "(" + format_price(mi.amount_in_currency, {:unit =>
mi.currency.display_symbol}) + ")" if != "GBP"
          %td.c100= mi.status
            - if mi.status == "Planned" then
              = button_to 'delete', { :controller =>
'invoices', :action => 'destroy', :id => mi, :redirect_to =>
{ :controller => 'projects', :action => 'show', :id => @project } }, |
                :confirm => 'Are you
sure?',                                                              |
=> :delete,
                :class =>
            - else
              - if current_user.is_admin? then
              = button_to 'delete', { :controller =>
'invoices', :action => 'destroy', :id => mi, :redirect_to =>
{ :controller => 'projects', :action => 'show', :id => @project } }, |
                :confirm => 'This is an MYOB imported invoice, are you
sure?',                         |
=> :delete,
                :class =>
              = "imported (ref:#{mi.myob_id})"
- else
  %p (No milestone invoices to display)
= link_to 'Add milestone invoice', :controller => 'invoices', :action
=> 'new_sales', :id => @project

%h2 Subcontractor milestone invoices
- if @project.invoices.subco_milestone.size > 0
        %td.l450 Description
        %td.c100 Date
        %td.sorttable_numeric Amount
        %td.c100 Status
        %td.c175.sorttable_nosort Action
      - @project.invoices.subco_milestone.each do |smi|
            - if smi.status == "Planned" || current_user.is_admin?
              = link_to
"#{format_invoice_description( smi )}", :controller =>
'invoices', :action => 'edit', :id => smi
            - else
              = format_invoice_description smi
          %td.c100= format_date
            = format_price(smi.amount_in_sterling)
            = "(" + format_price(smi.amount_in_currency, {:unit =>
smi.currency.display_symbol}) + ")" if != "GBP"
          %td.c100= smi.status
            - if smi.status == "Planned" then
              = button_to 'delete', { :controller =>
'invoices', :action => 'destroy', :id => smi, :redirect_to =>
{ :controller => 'projects', :action => 'show', :id => @project } }, |
                :confirm => 'Are you
=> :delete,
                :class =>
            - else
              - if current_user.is_admin? then
                = button_to 'delete', { :controller =>
'invoices', :action => 'destroy', :id => smi, :redirect_to =>
{ :controller => 'projects', :action => 'show', :id => @project } }, |
                  :confirm => 'This is an MYOB imported invoice, are
you sure?',                                 |
=> :delete,
                  :class =>
              = "imported (ref:#{smi.myob_id})"
- else
  %p (No subcontractor milestone invoices to display)

= link_to 'Add subcontractor milestone invoice', :controller =>
'invoices', :action => 'new_purchase', :id => @project

%h2 Recoverable expense invoices

- if @project.invoices.recoverable_expenses.size > 0
        %td.l450 Description
        %td.c100 Date
        %td.sorttable_numeric Amount
        %td.c100 Status
        %td.c175.sorttable_nosort Action
      - @project.invoices.recoverable_expenses.each do |re|
            - if re.status == "Planned" || current_user.is_admin? then
              = link_to
"#{format_invoice_description( re )}", :controller =>
'invoices', :action => 'edit', :id => re
            - else
              = format_invoice_description re
          %td.c100= format_date
          %td.r100= format_price re.amount_in_sterling
          %td.c100= re.status
            - if re.status == "Planned" then
              = button_to 'delete', { :controller =>
'invoices', :action => 'destroy', :id => re }, |
                :confirm => 'Are you
sure?',                                                        |
=> :delete,
                :class =>
            - else
              - if current_user.is_admin? then
                = button_to 'delete', { :controller =>
'invoices', :action => 'destroy', :id => re, :redirect_to =>
{ :controller => 'projects', :action => 'show', :id => @project } }, |
                  :confirm => 'This is an MYOB imported invoice, are
you sure?',                                      |
=> :delete,
                  :class =>
              = "imported (ref:#{re.myob_id})"
- else
  %p (No recoverable expense invoices to display)

= link_to 'Create a new project', :action => 'new'

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