On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 07:55:59PM +0000, Leo wrote:
> Keith Edmunds wrote:
> > I put this command together to find out whether the checks would run if
> > the system were rebooted. It isn't perfect - patches welcome! - but it
> > does the job.
> > 
> > for a in $(fdisk -l 2>/dev/null|grep -v Extended|\
> >     grep ^/|awk '{print $1}');do echo "$a:";dumpe2fs -h $a 2>&1|\
> >     grep -v 'Bad magic number'|\
> >     egrep '(^Mount count:|Maximum mount count:|Next check after:)';echo;done
> > 
> > Needs to be run as root; maybe it's helpful to someone.
> > 
> I'm just looking for a way to skip the occasional check at boot, because 
> I don't want to wait ages for the computer boot. A lot of Ctrl-C does 
> the trick but then no disks get mounted so I end up spending just as 
> long mounting them manually as the computer takes checking them!

   Another solution I've seen recently is to remove the check-on-boot
entirely. This in itself is a bad thing, because you then don't get to
find random bit-flip data corruptions (which is what the regular
fsck-on-boot is for). To get the same effect with no impact on boot
times, keep your filesystems in LVM, take a snapshot of each
filesystem at regular intervals, and then run fsck on the snapshot.
(This advice came from Ted Ts'o, who knows a thing or two about
filesystems... :) )


=== Hugo Mills: h...@... carfax.org.uk | darksatanic.net | lug.org.uk ===
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