> It is - but the trouble is the webpage I'm following to install it
> requires the make step.

That webpage is telling you how to build from source. You should ignore
it, for the most part.

> I've installed the binary but it's not been compiled with
> the machine I want to emulate

Are you sure? Or is it just built slightly differently from that webpage?

> hence when I'm supposed to fire up simh with the command
> /usr/local/vax/bin/vax
> it doesn't exist.

All the simh commands I've got (from the Fedora 14 version) are prefixed
with "simh-" - so I've got a choice of simh-vax or simh-vax780. But
nothing in /usr/local...

>> You might need to rebuild libpcap from source to get that; the package
>> usually comes with a .so for dynamic linking, rather than the .a.
> Thanks - but how do I do this?

Get the source package from your repo, unpack it, and build it. I don't
remember the details under Debian-style distros; I do rpms.

>> Alternatively, you might find that simh can be built >for shared
> libraries.
> Again - thanks - but not sure how to do this.

You'd have to look through the build options in the simh source package .

But again - I suspect all you actually need to do is to find the right
name for the executable. What date is on the webpage you are following?


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