On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 02:38:16AM -0700, Hank A. Paulson wrote:
> That is because haproxy does not _yet_ parlez ssl so it can't see the
> http level attributes to route requests with them.
> But there is good news and bad news related to that - since I am from
> the future I can tell you that haproxy will have ssl encrypt/decrypt
> capabilities added in version 1.8.3, the bad news is that it will be
> released on December 19, 2012 and it turns out the Mayans were right,
> so the world does, in fact, end 2 days later.

I think you're approximately right Hank :-)

Right now, most people who need to process HTTPS use stunnel in front
of haproxy. Stunnel then decrypts the SSL traffic and forwards it to
haproxy which then works on the clear HTTP stream. There are examples
at many places on the net, some of them are referred to at the bottom
of the haproxy web page.


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