On Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 2:07 PM, Joseph Hardeman <jwharde...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I was wondering if someone has a good example I could use for proxying https
> traffic.  We are trying to proxy multiple sites that use https and I was
> hoping for a way to see how to proxy that traffic between multiple IIS
> servers without having to setup many different backend sections.  The way
> the sites are setup they use a couple of cookies but mostly session
> variables to track the user as they do their thing.  Either I need to be
> able to pin the user to a single server using the mode tcp function when
> they come in or be able to use some form of mode http that doesn't break the
> SSL function.
> This morning around 5am, I got one site running with only 1 backend using
> tcp but I really need to be able to load balance it between multiple
> servers.

Joe, haproxy itself does not do SSL. That said, you can set up an SSL
server in front of it. Myself, I use stunnel. Stunnel strips the SSL
and forwards the traffic to haproxy. I have many instances of stunnel
(one per cert/ip) which all feed a single haproxy http listener.


You could also use another server like nginx, apache etc. to strip the
SSL. However, I find stunnel well suited as all it does is SSL and it
is fast and efficient at it (similar to how haproxy does proxyinig
very well).

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