On Sat, Aug 06, 2011 at 12:59:53AM -0700, Hank A. Paulson wrote:
> but it would have to be a combo thing, right? - set up stick table entry on 
> outgoing 302 with url_param "blah" in location header then check incoming 
> requests for url_param "blah" and continue to stick those based on the 
> entry created by the initial outgoing response. I don't know if you'd do 
> that as 2 rules or one.

Yes it's exactly that. It's possible to have up to 4 stick methods at
once from what I recall. So it's possible to learn the response using
a "stick store-response" rule and match in the request using "stick

> This would be a great and wondrous thing for cookie-less clients and 
> decoupled servers - not to mention it may be a unique feature among 
> existing load balancing products.

I'm sure some other products are able to do that using a bit of scripting,
and that should be possible with products from Zeus or F5 which are
particular known for their scripting abilities. When we implement it
in haproxy, a few other products will be able to do it too :-)

I'll see what I can come up with. After a bit of thinking, I'm not even
sure it's useful to be able to configure the header name, as I don't
expect this feature to be used on anything other than Location.


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