
I am trying to set up a binding to a Virtual IP in order to use master and
slave HAProxy load balancers.
I am following each of the two following guides:


But the majority of the guides are not relevant to my problem. as far as I
understand, in order for a frontend to use a different IP than the machine's
IP (in an internal network), all is needed is:

1. In HAProxy.cfg set, under a listen or frontend node:
bind <some-nonexistent-ip>:<someport>
2. In  /etc/sysctl.conf
and run
sysctl -p

At this point the <some-nonexistent-ip> should be reachable from the
network? in my case, it simply doesn't happen. should I see it under
ifconfig on the machine?
I realize this may not be the best place to ask the question, but it's very
relevant to HAProxy for redundancy purposes.
I am running RHEL 5.5


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