On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 10:16 AM, Ran S <r...@sheinberg.net> wrote:
> But the majority of the guides are not relevant to my problem. as far as I
> understand, in order for a frontend to use a different IP than the machine's
> IP (in an internal network), all is needed is:

Why do you think that? You can certainly bind to any IP address you
want to, but that does not mean that other machines on your network
will know that you have. What I mean is that if your machine does not
advertise the IP (via ARP) other machines won't know to send traffic
it's way.

The only way I know to get an IP address reachable from other machines
on your network is to assign the address to the machine. You can use
an alias IP (eth0:0), or add the ip address using ifconfig/ip.


Once you do that, your machine will advertise the availability of that
address. Unless you are using static routes or some funny business on
a router, the above is what you need to do.

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