because writting the tool to do it is more fun and easier to maintain
than a whole doc to parse again after each patch.

On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 6:23 AM, carlo flores <> wrote:
> Just curious: why not rewrite the docs in markdown?
> Would a rewrite formulinix could just add to be welcome?
> On Wednesday, November 2, 2011, Baptiste <> wrote:
>> Hi Aleks,
>> It's a good and interesting start.
>> I already talked to Willy about the doc format, and unfortunately for
>> you, the way you're doing is not the one wanted by him.
>> As you have remarked, the doc format is quite "open", each
>> documentation contributors tries to maintain the format, but there is
>> no strict verification on the shape (only on the content).
>> What Willy wants, is not a translation of the doc in a new format that
>> would force devs to follow strong recommendation, otherwise the
>> integrity of the whole doc would be broken.
>> He considers the documentation is readable for a human eye, so it
>> should be for an automatic tool which could then translate it into a
>> nicer format.
>> Purpose is double:
>> 1. don't bother the devs when they have to write documentation
>> 2. have a nice readable documentation
>> So basically, a lot of people are interested by a nicer version of the
>> doc, I already started working on the subject and I might push
>> something in my github very soon: a bash/sed/awk tool to translate the
>> HAProxy documentation in Markdown format (could be HTML as well).
>> Contribution will be welcome :)
>> cheers
>> On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 12:57 AM, Aleksandar Lazic <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have now started do change the configuration.txt in that way
>>> that asciidoc an produce nice HTML output.
>>> asciidoc -b html5 -o haproxy-conf.html configuration.txt
>>> I have stopped at section 2.3 to get your feedback.
>>> As you can see in the diff there is not to much to change,
>>> yet.
>>> Thank you for your feedback
>>> Aleks

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