Hi all,

I have configured haproxy using the below configuration. No matter
what URL I browser to I always receive a HTTP 200 response to my
browser. If I comment out the ACL and three monitor lines from the
frontend configuration, normal behaviour is resumed. I have that gut
feeling that I have done something obviously wrong, but I can't spot
it :)

Where am I going wrong with this? I assume that haproxy captures
requests to /checkuri and sends back HTTP 200 when at least 2 back end
servers are up (which they are, I can see the requests coming into
them) and 503 when one or more is down. Otherwise, all other requests
are passed directly to the back end servers. It seems to be
intercepting whatever URI I request via GET and returns HTTP 200 OK,
nothing reaches the back end servers when the monitor URI is

frontend monitor-http-servers


        acl backend_down nbsrv(http--servers) lt 2 # HAProxy can see
lee than 2 backend servers
        monitor-uri /checkuri
        monitor fail if backend_down

        default_backend http--servers

backend http-servers

        cookie cook insert
        option persist
        option redispatch
        server  cook1 cookie c1 check inter 2000 rise 3 fall 3
        server  cook2 cookie c2 check inter 2000 rise 3 fall 3
        balance roundrobin


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