Hi Sachin,

> We want to maintain stickiness to a backed server based on host header 
> so "balance hdr(host)" works pretty well for us, however as soon at the 
> backend hits max connection, requests pile up in the queue eventually 
> timeout with a 503 and –sQ in the logs.

I don't think balance hdr(host) is the correct load-balancing method then.

> Is there a way to redispatch the requests to other servers ignoring the
> persistence on queue timeout?

No; after a queue timeout (configurable by "timeout queue"), haproxy will
drop the request.

Think of what would happen when we redispatch on queue timeout:

The request would wait seconds for a free slot on the backend and only
then be redispatched to another server. This would delay many requests
and hide the problem from you, while your customers furiously switch
to a competitor.

You should find another way to better distribute the load across your


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