Am 16.04.2014 17:40 schrieb Willy Tarreau:
I think you summarized very well how to carefully use a development
version in prod. That requires a bit of care, but with that you can
get both nice features and quick fixes.

Indeed :)

After 1.5 is released, I'd like to switch to a faster and more regular
release cycle with less constraints on the features.

And with above said: I, personally, give a rats a** if a version is called
alpha, rc123, -dev or whatever fancy version string it has.

Test the thing and find out the hairy bits after it hits production :-)

I was sooo often burned by "oh, finally release" and then it was worse
then the "RC" before the actual release whatsoever.

My kudos to Willy and the other developers of haproxy, awesome work
overall AND in the nitbits :-).

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