Hi Corey,

On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 12:05:59AM -0700, Corey Osman wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using a custom 200 response file so that my upstream load balancer can
> determine if my haproxy instance is operating correctly.
>    errorfile 200 /home/haproxy/responses/200_resp.http
> Additionally I am using the monitor-uri /healthcheck.
> So when my upstream load balancer calls haproxyhost:port/healthcheck haproxy
> will return the contents of the 200_resp.http file.  
> This all works fine, however if I change the contents of the 200 response
> file when haproxy is running I have noticed that haproxy is actually caching
> this file.
> The caching part is fine, however in order for haproxy to see the updated
> response file I must restart/reload haproxy so it picks up the new contents.  
> You might be asking why am I changing this file?  Well basically if I need to
> perform rolling restarts on my haproxy instances I need a method of signaling
> the upstream load balancer health check
> to remove the haproxy instance from the available pool.  So if I change the
> contents of the 200 response I can basically automatically remove the haproxy
> instance from the pool and traffic will no longer flow to 
> the haproxy instance.  However, because haproxy caches this file I need to
> restart/reload haproxy.  I would like to not have to perform this restart
> though.
> Is there any way to signal haproxy to invalidate the error file cache and
> reread the errorfiles without restarting?

No, but you need to be aware that haproxy is not a file server, but a load
balancer. It reads *all* of its configuration upon startup, is supposed to
be chrooted and to drop its privileges, then it does not have any more access
to the file system.

>  Can this be done through the stats socket?
> Is anybody else doing this and have a better method?

Normally you're supposed to do this using "monitor-fail if ...". It will
replace the 200 with the 500 based on a condition that you're free to

Hoping this helps,

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