Hi Merton,

Le 04/07/2014 18:44, Merton Lister a écrit :

I just compiled and installed HAProxy 1.5.1, and it didn't give any error.

However, after I restarted HAProxy using the latest binary, any request
(e.g. a simple GET for robots.txt) will simply crash the HAProxy process.

I'm running it on an Ubuntu 10.04 LTS box, and I just switched back to
the 1.5-dev-26 binary and the problem disappeared.

The only thing I changed in the config file for 1.5.1 was adding the
following line to the global section:

tune.ssl.default-dh-param 1024

since without it HAProxy complained at startup: 'Starting haproxy:
[WARNING] 170/090803 (38826) : Setting tune.ssl.default-dh-param to 1024
by default, if your workload permits it you should set it to at least
2048. Please set a value>= 1024 to make this warning disappear.'

Strangely enough, on another Ubuntu 12.04 LTS box, even without the
'tune.ssl.default-dh-param' setting, HAProxy 1.5.1 starts without any
warning and works fine too.

Not sure what is going on here. Any thought?

Did you make a "make clean" before compiling ?

Also, can you provide the output of "haproxy -vv" and your configuration (without sensitive data) ?

Cyril Bonté

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