On 13.10.2014 22:22, Ryan O'Hara wrote:
On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 08:13:29PM +0200, Benjamin Vetter wrote:
On 13.10.2014 16:54, Baptiste wrote:
On Sun, Oct 12, 2014 at 6:47 PM, Benjamin Vetter <vet...@flakks.com> wrote:

i'm using the example from
with haproxy 1.5.4 for a 3 node mysql+galera setup to implement

   log local0
   log local1 notice
   maxconn 8192
   uid 99
   gid 99
   stats socket    /tmp/haproxy

   log global
   mode http
   option tcplog
   option dontlognull
   retries 3
   maxconn 8192
   timeout connect 5000
   timeout client 300000
   timeout server 300000

listen mysql-active-passive
   stick-table type ip size 1
   stick on dst
   mode tcp
   balance roundrobin
   option httpchk
   server db01 check port 9200 inter 12000 rise 3 fall 3
on-marked-down shutdown-sessions
   server db02 check port 9200 inter 12000 rise 3 fall 3
on-marked-down shutdown-sessions backup
   server db03 check port 9200 inter 12000 rise 3 fall 3
on-marked-down shutdown-sessions backup

I tested the stickyness via this tiny ruby script, which simply connects and
asks the node for its stored ip address:

require "mysql2"

loop do
     mysql2 = Mysql2::Client.new(:port => 3309, :host => "",
:username => "username")
     puts mysql2.query("show variables like '%wsrep_sst_rec%'").to_a
     # Nothing

First, everything's fine. On first run, stick-table gets updated:

# table: mysql-active-passive, type: ip, size:1, used:1
0x1c90224: key= use=0 exp=0 server_id=1

Then i shutdown Again, everything's fine, as the stick table
gets updated to:

# table: mysql-active-passive, type: ip, size:1, used:1
0x1c90224: key= use=0 exp=0 server_id=2

and all connections now go to db02.

Then i restart/repair, the stick table stays as is (fine), such
that all connections should still go to db02.
However, the output of my script now starts to say:

{"Variable_name"=>"wsrep_sst_receive_address", "Value"=>""}
{"Variable_name"=>"wsrep_sst_receive_address", "Value"=>""}
{"Variable_name"=>"wsrep_sst_receive_address", "Value"=>""}
{"Variable_name"=>"wsrep_sst_receive_address", "Value"=>""}
{"Variable_name"=>"wsrep_sst_receive_address", "Value"=>""}
{"Variable_name"=>"wsrep_sst_receive_address", "Value"=>""}
{"Variable_name"=>"wsrep_sst_receive_address", "Value"=>""}
{"Variable_name"=>"wsrep_sst_receive_address", "Value"=>""}
{"Variable_name"=>"wsrep_sst_receive_address", "Value"=>""}
{"Variable_name"=>"wsrep_sst_receive_address", "Value"=>""}
{"Variable_name"=>"wsrep_sst_receive_address", "Value"=>""}
{"Variable_name"=>"wsrep_sst_receive_address", "Value"=>""}
{"Variable_name"=>"wsrep_sst_receive_address", "Value"=>""}
{"Variable_name"=>"wsrep_sst_receive_address", "Value"=>""}
{"Variable_name"=>"wsrep_sst_receive_address", "Value"=>""}
{"Variable_name"=>"wsrep_sst_receive_address", "Value"=>""}
{"Variable_name"=>"wsrep_sst_receive_address", "Value"=>""}
{"Variable_name"=>"wsrep_sst_receive_address", "Value"=>""}

such that sometimes the connection goes to db01 and sometimes to db02.
Do you know what the problem is?


Hi Benjamin,

Could you remove the 'backup' keyword from your server lines and run
the same test?


Ok, after more testing and digging into the haproxy source it's more
or less clear that "size 1" is the problem - in contrast to what the
blog post says.

You hit exactly the same issue I ran into several months back. I think
Willy responded on the mailing list that using a stick table size of
'2' is the solution, but is seems you've figured this out on your own.

Every new client connection requires a slot in the stick table no
matter if the new session/stick table entry will match the already
existing stick table entry or not. Thus, if the stick table is full
already (very likely for "size 1"), haproxy removes the single
already existing entry. As a consequence, you need to have the
"size" parameter at least as large as the number of client
connections you're going to expect.

Interesting. I was recently looking at rather larger stick-table that
had 'stick on dst' and saw that there was never more than one
entry. Could you expand on this or provide reference to the code in
question? I quite like stick-tables for "hot-standby" emulation since
they don't have failback like 'backup' servers do.


struct stksess *stksess_new(struct stktable *t, struct stktable_key *key)
        struct stksess *ts;

        if (unlikely(t->current == t->size)) {
                if ( t->nopurge )
                        return NULL;

                if (!stktable_trash_oldest(t, (t->size >> 8) + 1)) {
                        return NULL;


will, when called, invoke stktable_trash_oldest when "maximum number of stick sessions in table" == "number of stick sessions currently in table"


static int process_sticking_rules(struct session *s, struct channel *req, int an_bit)
                        if (rule->flags & STK_IS_STORE) {

                                ts = stksess_new(rule->table.t, key);

seems to be invoked for every new client connection/session (inferred from debug output i added to the code), such that every new client connection requires a free slot in the stick table IMHO and thus delete the entry from the stick table for "size 1" continously.

Well, that's of course all fine and correct. The stick table manages sticky "sessions" ... and a client connection is a session. It's only a bit counter intuitive regarding the active/passive use case and "size 1", because i thought about the stick table in terms of "rules" about how to map an IP to a backend server, which now however seems to be wrong.

BTW please correct me if i'm wrong - i don't want to spread false information.

This is IMHO a bit counter-intuitive, but however ... with large
"size" parameter it's working as expected.

How large?


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