On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 8:27 PM, Shawn Heisey <hapr...@elyograg.org> wrote:
> What should be my goal when buying hardware for haproxy if I am planning
> to secure everything with TLS/SSL terminated by haproxy?  Due to
> customer requirements, many of the back-end connections will also be
> encrypted.
> Other than getting the latest processor architecture I can find at the
> highest possible clock speed, what should I be looking for in a
> CPU/motherboard combo?  It will most likely be Dell server hardware
> because it is priced well and rackmounts easily.  I would really prefer
> a 1U rack server with hardware redundancy to a beige box, but if a beige
> box would hit the requirements a lot better, I would consider that route.
> One specific thing that I am wondering about is running haproxy with
> multiple processes.  Is that well-supported and stable config
> (especially for SSL), or should I be looking for a CPU with a higher
> clock speed but a smaller number of cores, and run single-process?  I
> already know from other discussions that reporting and monitoring is not
> as straightforward with multiple processes.
> Thanks,
> Shawn


could you define what you mean by "heavy" ?
What type of web application do you host?
How many req / conn per second do you expect?

When doing SSL, the CPU is not enough, the memory also matters.


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