On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 10:41 AM, Tim Verhoeven
<tim.verhoeven...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm mostly passive on this list but a happy haproxy user for more then 2
> years.
> Now, we are going to migrate our platform to a new provider (and new
> hardware) in the coming months and I'm looking for a way to avoid a one-shot
> migration.
> So I've been doing some googl'ing and it should be possible to use the proxy
> protocol to send traffic from one haproxy instance (at the old site) to the
> another haproxy instance (at the new site). Then at the new site the haproxy
> instance there would just accept the traffic as it came from the internet
> directly.
> Is that how it works? Is that possible?
> Ideally the traffic between the 2 haproxy instances would be encrypted with
> TLS to avoid having to setup an VPN.
> Now I haven't found any examples of this kind of setup, so any pointers on
> how to set this up would be really appriciated.
> Thanks,
> Tim

Hi Tim,

Your usecase is an interesting scenario for a blog article :)

About your questions, simply update the app backend of the current
site in order to add a new 'server' that would be the HAProxy of the
new site:

backend myapp
 server app1 ...
 server app2 ...
 server newhaproxy [IP]:8443 check ssl send-proxy-v2 ca-file
/etc/haproxy/myca.pem crt /etc/haproxy/client.pem

ca-file: to validate the certificate presented by the server using
your own CA (or use DANGEROUSLY "ssl-server-verify none" in your
global section)
crt : allows you to use a client certificate to get connected on the
other HAProxy

On the newhaproxy (in the new instance):

frontend fe_myapp
 bind :80
 bind :443 ssl crt server.pem
 bind :8443 ssl crt server.pem accept-proxy-v2

You can play with weight on the current site to send a few request to
the newhaproxy box and increase this weight once you're confident.


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