On 07/10/2015 11:35 πμ, Joakim Fallsjö wrote:
> Hi,
> please consider this modifications to the rc.d/init.d script used by the 
> RPM-spec file for Redhat/Centos versions prior to systemd.
> The patch modifies the init script to allow for out of RPM package
> modifications that can persist across RPM updates, while still being
> compatible to older versions of the init-script.
> /JockeF

This will allow someone to do:
% cat /etc/default/hapee-lb
export HOSTNAME=foo.bar.com
% grep HOSTANAME /etc/hapee/hapee-lb.cfg
    http-response set-header X-Lb-Node %[env(HOSTNAME)]

May I suggest to use /etc/default rather /etc/sysconfig, as the former
will work all Linux distributions.


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