
On Sun, Oct 18, Daren Sefcik wrote:
> I have an ICAP server backend with servers that each listen on different
> ports, can anyone offer some advice on how to configure health checks for
> it? I am currently using basic but that really doesn't help if the service
> is not responding.
> Here is my haproxy config for the backend:
> backend HTPL_CONT_FILTER_tcp_ipvANY
> mode tcp
> balance roundrobin
> timeout connect 50000
> timeout server 50000
> retries 3
> server HTPL-WEB-01_10.1.4.153 check inter 5000  weight 200
> maxconn 200 fastinter 1000 fall 5
> server HTPL-WEB-02_10.1.4.154 check inter 5000  weight 200
> maxconn 200 fastinter 1000 fall 5
> server HTPL-WEB-02_10.1.4.155_01 check inter 5000  weight
> 200 maxconn 200 fastinter 1000 fall 5
> server HTPL-WEB-02_10.1.4.155_02 check inter 5000  weight
> 200 maxconn 200 fastinter 1000 fall 5

Do the icap servers (squid+diladele?) respond to something like this:
or https://exchange.icinga.org/oldmonex/1733-check_icap.pl/check_icap.pl

Maybe you can use tcp-check to send icap request and look for
"ICAP/1.0 200" response:


Jarno Huuskonen

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