On 31/10/2015 3:14 AM, "Daren Sefcik" <dsef...@hightechhigh.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 11:15 PM, Igor Cicimov <
ig...@encompasscorporation.com> wrote:
>> On 30/10/2015 4:48 PM, "Daren Sefcik" <dsef...@hightechhigh.org> wrote:
>> >
>> > So I think those links were the right idea and I have been trying
different configurations but am not quite there and am hoping somebody can
offer a bit more guidance.
>> >
>> > So when I telnet to the icap server I type in the OPTIONS line
followed by (2) return key presses and then it returns the ICAP text, below
is my telent session output
>> >
>> > ===================
>> >
>> > $ telnet 1344
>> > Trying
>> > Connected to
>> > Escape character is '^]'.
>> > OPTIONS icap:// ICAP/1.0
>> >
>> > ICAP/1.0 200 OK
>> > ISTAG: "5BDEEEA9-12E4-2"
>> > Service: Diladele Web Safety 4.2.0.CBF4
>> > Service-ID: qlproxy
>> > Methods: RESPMOD
>> > Options-TTL: 3600
>> > Max-Connections: 15000
>> > Allow: 204
>> > Preview: 4096
>> > Transfer-Preview: *
>> > Encapsulated: null-body=0
>> > Connection: close
>> >
>> > ========================
>> >
>> >
>> > Here is what I have tried in the backend configurations
>> >
>> > option tcp-check
>> > tcp-check send OPTIONS\ icap\:\/\/127\.0\.0\.1\:1344\/respmod\
>> > tcp-check send \r\n
>> > tcp-check expect string ICAP\/1\.0\ 200\ OK
>> >
>> >
>> > but it is still not working, I suspect I need to use some type of
regex or such. Hoping somebody can help me along with this.
>> >
>> > TIA..
>> >
>> >
>> > On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 7:42 AM, Daren Sefcik <dsef...@hightechhigh.org>
>> >>
>> >> Thanks Jarno, I am still not sure how I can apply this to each server
using a different port but will poke around at it and see if I can figure
it out.
>> >>
>> >> On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 1:04 AM, Jarno Huuskonen <
jarno.huusko...@uef.fi> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> Hi,
>> >>>
>> >>> On Sun, Oct 18, Daren Sefcik wrote:
>> >>> > I have an ICAP server backend with servers that each listen on
>> >>> > ports, can anyone offer some advice on how to configure health
checks for
>> >>> > it? I am currently using basic but that really doesn't help if the
>> >>> > is not responding.
>> >>> >
>> >>> > Here is my haproxy config for the backend:
>> >>> >
>> >>> > backend HTPL_CONT_FILTER_tcp_ipvANY
>> >>> > mode tcp
>> >>> > balance roundrobin
>> >>> > timeout connect 50000
>> >>> > timeout server 50000
>> >>> > retries 3
>> >>> > server HTPL-WEB-01_10.1.4.153 check inter 5000
weight 200
>> >>> > maxconn 200 fastinter 1000 fall 5
>> >>> > server HTPL-WEB-02_10.1.4.154 check inter 5000
weight 200
>> >>> > maxconn 200 fastinter 1000 fall 5
>> >>> > server HTPL-WEB-02_10.1.4.155_01 check inter 5000
>> >>> > 200 maxconn 200 fastinter 1000 fall 5
>> >>> > server HTPL-WEB-02_10.1.4.155_02 check inter 5000
>> >>> > 200 maxconn 200 fastinter 1000 fall 5
>> >>>
>> >>> Do the icap servers (squid+diladele?) respond to something like this:
>> >>> https://support.symantec.com/en_US/article.TECH220980.html
>> >>> or
>> >>>
>> >>> Maybe you can use tcp-check to send icap request and look for
>> >>> "ICAP/1.0 200" response:
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> -Jarno
>> >>>
>> >>> --
>> >>> Jarno Huuskonen
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> Since your telnet session is on port 1344, maybe
>> tcp-check connect port 1344
>> before the send command.
> Thank you but each backend server has a different port configured, that
is just one example.
> server HTPL-WEB-01_10.1.4.153 check inter 5000  weight
200 maxconn 200 fastinter 1000 rise 1 fall 5
> server HTPL-WEB-02_10.1.4.154 check inter 5000  weight
200 maxconn 200 fastinter 1000 rise 1 fall 5
> server HTPL-WEB-02-DOCK-02_10.1.4.155_01 check inter 5000
 weight 200 maxconn 200 fastinter 1000 rise 1 fall 5
> server HTPL-WEB-02-DOCK-02_10.1.4.155_02 check inter 5000
 weight 200 maxconn 200 fastinter 1000 rise 1 fall 5

I see. In that case I would say to try:

tcp-check expect rstring ICAP\/1\.0\ 200\ OK

since the response is multiline and you need regexp as you mentioned.

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