
With all the recent activity on 1.6, 1.5 was a little bit left behind.
For the last 4 months, a few fixes have accumulated there, including
the annoying one striking again on http-send-name-header. Another one
may cause the old process to die during a soft reload when a proxy
references a disabled peers section. The next annoying one affects
those who set memory limits to their processes, as the memory size
computation was accidently performed on 32-bits which is limited by
todays standards (4GB max) so a typical 5 GB allocation would result
in 1 GB only due to integer overflow. The remaining patches are for
minor bugs, cleanups and doc updates.

For the vast majority of users there's no emergency to update. However
if you're deploying now, please consider using this version in order to
avoid these bugs later.

The full changelog for 1.5.15 follows :
    - BUG/MINOR: log: missing some ARGC_* entries in fmt_directives()
    - DOC: usesrc root privileges requirements
    - BUILD: ssl: Allow building against libssl without SSLv3.
    - DOC/MINOR: fix OpenBSD versions where haproxy works
    - BUG/MINOR: http/sample: gmtime/localtime can fail
    - DOC: typo in 'redirect', 302 code meaning
    - DOC: mention that %ms is left-padded with zeroes.
    - CLEANUP: .gitignore: ignore more test files
    - CLEANUP: .gitignore: finally ignore everything but what is known.
    - MEDIUM: config: emit a warning on a frontend without listener
    - BUG/MEDIUM: counters: ensure that src_{inc,clr}_gpc0 creates a missing 
    - DOC: ssl: missing LF
    - DOC: fix example of http-request using ssl_fc_session_id
    - BUG/MINOR: http: remove stupid HTTP_METH_NONE entry
    - BUG/MAJOR: http: don't call http_send_name_header() after an error
    - BUG/MINOR: tools: make str2sa_range() report unresolvable addresses
    - BUG/MEDIUM: acl: always accept match "found"
    - DOC: clarify how to make use of abstract sockets in socat
    - CLEANUP: config: make the errorloc/errorfile messages less confusing
    - BUG/MINOR: config: check that tune.bufsize is always positive
    - BUG/MEDIUM: proxy: ignore stopped peers
    - BUG/MEDIUM: proxy: do not wake stopped proxies' tasks during soft_stop()
    - BUG/MINOR: http: Add OPTIONS in supported http methods (found by 
    - BUILD: enable build on Linux/s390x
    - DOC: backend section missing parameters
    - DOC: stats paramaters available in frontend
    - BUG/MINOR: config: make the stats socket pass the correct proxy to the 
    - BUG/MEDIUM: pattern: fixup use_after_free in the pat_ref_delete_by_id
    - CLEANUP: don't ignore debian/ directory if present
    - FIX: small typo in an example using the "Referer" header
    - BUG/MEDIUM: config: count memory limits on 64 bits, not 32
    - DOC: add a CONTRIBUTING file

Usual URLs below :
    Site index       : http://www.haproxy.org/
    Sources          : http://www.haproxy.org/download/1.5/src/
    Git repository   : http://git.haproxy.org/git/haproxy-1.5.git/
    Git Web browsing : http://git.haproxy.org/?p=haproxy-1.5.git
    Changelog        : http://www.haproxy.org/download/1.5/src/CHANGELOG
    Cyril's HTML doc : http://cbonte.github.com/haproxy-dconv/


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