On 23.11.2015 17:04, Andrew Hayworth wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 6:26 AM, Dennis Jacobfeuerborn
> <denni...@conversis.de> wrote:
>> On 16.11.2015 15:25, Dennis Jacobfeuerborn wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm trying to figure out the best way to match a source ip against an ip
>>> mapping file and make decisions based on that. What I'm now doing is this:
>>> acl acl_is_xx src,map_ip(<map-file-1>) -m str xx
>>> acl acl_is_yy src,map_ip(<map-file-1>) -m str yy
>>> acl acl_value src,map_ip(<map-file-1>) -m copy
>>> http-request set-header X-Test wasxx if acl_value==xx
>>> http-request set-header X-Test wasyy if acl_value==yy
>>> Is there an alternative way to express something like this?
>> Does nobody have any idea how to accomplish this?
>> This is happening in a GeoIP context and I'm now planning to make
>> distinct lookups for four different countries which seems pretty wasteful.
> Hi Dennis -
> I think this configuration would do what you want:
> acl has_ip_map src -M -f <map-file>
> http-request set-header X-Test %[src,map_ip(<map-file>)] if has_ip_map
> The idea is that map-file is a two-column file like so:
> # ip_addr name
> wasxx
> wasyy
> This works by treating <map-file> as both a map AND and acl (the '-M'
> flag does that). When you treat it as an ACL, it only evaluates the
> first column. This lets you test the ip address, to see if it's one
> you care about.
> Then, you use the <map-file> as a map, and you look up the value for
> your header based on the ip address - but only if the prior acl
> evaluated to true.
> An added benefit of this is that you can scale out easily to many
> values in the map/acl file without polluting your configuration.
> Additionally, you can use the socket commands to dynamically add
> things to the map/acl without reloading haproxy, if you wanted
> (something like 'add map <map-file> <address> <value>').

Hm, I wasn't aware of the -M flag, thanks!

However in you example you again you have to do multiple lookups even
though that shouldn't be necessary. I can make decisions based on the
fact that the IP is present in the map but what I really want to do is
make a decision based on what the actual value for that IP in the map is
i.e. if the value is "de" then I want to do one thing and if it is "at"
then I want to do something else.


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