Hi Maxime and Willy,

Le 09/05/2016 11:17, Maxime de Roucy a écrit :

Thanks for your remarks !

I think this is a nice addition, it completes well the ability to
load an arbitrary file list.

Good to hear that :)

I'm not sure to like this feature in its current implementation.
I fear it will also create some new issues depending on how people will use it.

For example, I know lots of sysadmin who have the (bad) habit to make backup of the configuration files in the same directory, without cleaning it up. We may see some directories like this :


...and so on.

When several sysadmins share the same haproxy instance, it can quickly become annoying.

Other use cases I immediately see :
- some configurations provide the crt files in the same directory, which will break things
- some others will store map files in the same directory also
- what about configurations with a README or similar in the directory ? or swap files because someone else is editing a file at the same time ?

Cyril Bonté

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