Get one strange error that I never seen before
 Total events captured on [05/Jan/2017:09:13:56.054] : 12
[05/Jan/2017:09:09:06.594] frontend http-in (#3): invalid request
  backend <NONE> (#-1), server <NONE> (#-1), event #11
  src, session #243701, session flags 0x00000080
  HTTP msg state 26, msg flags 0x00000000, tx flags 0x00000000
  HTTP chunk len 0 bytes, HTTP body len 0 bytes
  buffer flags 0x00808002, out 0 bytes, total 924 bytes
  pending 924 bytes, wrapping at 32768, error at position 902:
  00000  7B%22distinct_id%22%3A%20%222044eec9-0217-e611-80c1-4c72b97cbdb1%22%2C
  00070+ %22%24initial_referrer%22%3A%20%22%24direct%22%2C%22%24initial_referri
  00140+ ng_domain%22%3A%20%22%24direct%22%2C%22__mps%22%3A%20%7B%7D%2C%22__mps
  00210+ o%22%3A%20%7B%7D%2C%22__mpa%22%3A%20%7B%7D%2C%22__mpu%22%3A%20%7B%7D%2
  00280+ C%22__mpap%22%3A%20%5B%5D%2C%22tref1%22%3A%20%22xmonetize%22%2C%22tref
  00350+ 2%22%3A%20%22emailsmaster%22%2C%22tref3%22%3A%20%22Daily%20Quiz%20%7C%
  00420+ 20Trivia%20Clickers%200-14d%20%7C%208d%2B%20%7C%20Email1%20Theme%20%7C
  00490+ %20ByActivityTime%20%7C%20Categories%20Since%2012%2F28%2F2016%22%2C%22
  00630+ anding%22%3A%20%22default%22%2C%22regdate%22%3A%20%222016-05-10%22%2C%
  00700+ 22tref12%22%3A%20%22facebook-ad%22%2C%22tref13%22%3A%20%22TriviaQuesti
  00770+ ons-2%22%2C%22tref14%22%3A%20%22US6%25VisitorsConv%22%2C%22tref15%22%3
  00840+ A%20%22series%22%2C%22%24search_engine%22%3A%20%22google%22%7D; mp_mix
  00910+ panel__c=1\r\n
  00922  \r\n

05.01.2017, 09:25, "" <>:
Yes, please apply Willy's patch to the 1.7.1 release and tell us what happens.
Everything looks good. No errors.
About 1.6.11. It was in the first days of December. May be I've mixed up something.
I can test again tomorrow if you want
It was 1.6.10. I think I've made some mistakes in paths so maybe I've started as a service 1.7 and haproxy -vv 1.6. I'm not pro in nix, sorry for confusing you

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