On 2017/1/12 06:42, Ricardo Fraile wrote:
> Hello,
> As 1.7 release allow to load multiple files from a directory:
> https://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/1.7/management.html
>  -f <cfgfile|cfgdir> : adds <cfgfile> to the list of configuration files
> to be loaded. If <cfgdir> is a directory, all the files (and only files)
> it contains are added in lexical order (using LC_COLLATE=C) to the list
> of configuration files to be loaded ; only files with ".cfg" extension
> are added, only non hidden files (not prefixed with ".") are added.
> I think that the systemd unit can have the configuration directory
> instead of the path to the file for allow the same behaviour that the
> "-f" option provides.
> Thanks in advance,
> Regards,
This change is rather dangerous. It's not unlikely that people will have
multiple config files in their `/etc/haproxy` directory. Such might
happen if users keep backups of previous versions when they make a
change, or if they have alternate configs for different purposes. In
general when applications support loading multiple config files, the
configs are typically put in a `.d` directory, such as


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