Am 20-02-2017 16:32, schrieb Khaleel.Shaik:

HA-Proxy version 1.6.3 2015/12/25

letest is 1.6.11 any idea when you are able to update?

no clients are used.

? Who connects to the LB/haproxy/JBoss Setup ?
If "no clients" why to you need this setup ;-)
What is your definition of clients?

accessing the HAproxy as Frontend through Load balancing ip and connecting jboss as backend.

So your setup is like this.

LB (which ever) -> haproxy -> JBosses right?

Is the LB a Layer 4 one or a Layer 6/7 one?

Please can you explain your setup a little bit more, thanks.


On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 3:05 PM, Aleksandar Lazic <> wrote:

Am 20-02-2017 09:55, schrieb Khaleel.Shaik:

My HA Proxyconfiguration attached, which not distributing the load to all the appservers.

Could you please help me What's your haproxy version?
output of haproxy -vv

Which clients are used?
In case of browsers try to remove the cookie line and the cookie entries in the server line.

BR Aleks

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