Hi all!

Give some food, drink, disk space, a quiet place, a keyboard and Git to
a developer and he will code forever... All good things must come to an
end, and I decided that it had to be right now. After all, we initially
announced the end of developments around end of September and a release
around October or November. We've missed the September deadline, but I
know by experience that nobody notices missed deadlines as long as they
are not missed by more than one month. And one month ends today.

So what do we have here ? A *preview* of what the final 1.8 will be like.
As a reminder, our -rc don't mean they're totally ready, but that we're
really done with development and only performing the last adjustments,
fixes, cleanups, documentation updates etc and that NEW FEATURES ARE NOT
WELCOME ANYMORE FOR THIS VERSION. There are still some issues (I found
a few after the release) but overall there's enough in various areas to
satisfy the curious. And we needed to merge our various branches to take
the time to fix conflicts and adapt our respective code (mainly to
threads, which were merged first).

In practice, since 1.8-dev3, the following main features were merged :
  - multi-thread support : for certain workloads like massive SSL rekeying
    it provides comparable performance to multi-process, but with all the
    load handled in a single process, hence single health checks and server
    states, single stats, single CLI etc. There are some known scalability
    limitations coming from arbitrations we had to do for 1.8 and which we
    will address during 1.9 (and maybe some before 1.8-final). The feature
    is enabled by default on linux2628 and freebsd, and disabled by default
    on other targets, though it can be forced enabled using USE_THREAD=1 or
    forced disabled using USE_THREAD= (empty string). Once enabled, it's
    possible to start several threads in the configuration using the
    "nbthread" directive in the global section. It's possible to force to
    map threads to CPUs but we're not completely satisfied with the current
    configuration options and will be working on them (any feedback is
    welcome). Another point is that we tried to start to take a look at
    the device detection extensions and it didn't appear trivial enough
    to fit in the tight schedule so this was postponed. Their maintainers
    are welcome to take a look as they know this much better than anyone
    else, and the thread developers will be happy to give some help on the

    Important note: I just found that health-checks are totally broken
    (recursive locks and missed unlocks), so please disable checks when
    testing threads for now. We'll see how to address this.

  - small object cache : this is what I've been calling the "favicon cache"
    for several years now. The idea is always the same, when haproxy is
    deployed in front of a slow application server having to deliver a few
    small static objects, it costs a lot to this server to deliver them. A
    small cache of a few megabytes caching small objects for a short time
    with zero administration definitely helps here. As we don't want this
    cache to cause trouble, it's pessimistic : if any risk is suspected,
    an object is not cached ; and by default it caches for a short time
    (1 minute I believe) so that even after a failed deployment, it takes
    less time to wait than to wake up the LB admin to clear the cache. To
    be very clear, this is not meant to replace any real cache you might
    already be using. Maybe it could offload it from some dumb files at
    best. It's only meant to improve the situation for those not having
    a cache. The cache is enabled using "http-request cache-use" and
    "http-response cache-store" directives like below (the doc will
    come soon) :

        listen frt
            mode http
            http-response cache-store foobar
            http-request cache-use foobar
        cache foobar
            total-max-size 4   # size in megabytes

  - client-facing HTTP/2 : that's HTTP/2 support on the frontend. It's
    much better after the completely new rewrite than the first attempt a
    few months ago, and in the end I'm really happy with the outcome
    despite the pain it was. It's now almost complete, it supports POST,
    1xx responses, chunked responses. In fact it's easier to enumerate
    what it does not support : CONTINUATION frames are not yet implemented
    (I may have found how to do it), PRIORITY frames are ignored (that's
    allowed by the spec), there's no equivalent of chunked encoding in
    requests, and trailers from the response are discarded. What it needs
    most is real world exposure now to spot corner cases. I wanted to
    place it on haproxy.org until I failed on the thread problem described
    above and had to revert. In order to enable it, simply add
    "alpn http/1.1,h2" on a "bind" line present in an HTTP mode frontend,
    and if the client advertises ALPN "h2" it will be used, otherwise it
    will fall back to HTTP/1.1. You'll need to have 16kB or larger buffers
    (that's the default value and may be adjusted using tune.bufsize).
    It's only supported over TLS for now. Note, on openssl versions before
    1.0.2, you need to use "npn" instead of "alpn", but I don't know how
    long browsers will support it.

  - TLS1.3 0-RTT done right : while there is a lot of demand for 0-RTT
    support everywhere (which people often just call TLS1.3 by the way),
    it's important to remember that by default 0-RTT makes TLS vulnerable
    to replay attacks and that the upper protocol must take care of this.
    The IETF HTTP working group has been working on a draft to define how
    to safely map HTTP on top of 0-RTT to provide both performance and
    security (https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-replay-00).
    HAProxy 1.8-rc1 is the first server-side component to implement this
    draft, and we'll soon run some interoperability tests with a well
    known browser which just implemented it as well on the client side.
    This can be enabled using openssl-1.1.1 (still in development as well)
    and the "allow-0rtt" directive on the bind line.

That's more or less all for the user-visible changes, the rest are important
infrastructure changes supporting this work. That's why it was important to
merge right now, so that we all have a common base to start sorting out the
various issues that will inevitably emerge, and finish the documentation and
the configuration mechanisms. I'm not listing all the things that were
already merged in earlier versions (JSON stats, server-templates, SRV records
etc), I'll try to recap everything for the release.

If you have suggestions (especially on the configuration perspective), feel
free to suggest ideas here on the list so that everyone can participate (and
please use a different thread to address different topics so that participants
are not forced to receive the parts they're not interested in).

Ah last thing. Yes I know it's fun to deploy a fresh new load balancer in
production, and I was about to do it on haproxy.org. I was lucky it took only
2 seconds to enter an endless loop, it's less fun if it happens when you're
driving on your way back home. So use with care, on dedicated servers only,
with non-critical traffic only, and keep an eye on it. Do not hesitate to
report strange things here, we all know it encourages the "me too" behaviour.

I hope we'll be able to quickly sort out the thread+check problem and emit an
rc2, in the worst case in a week or two. Given that the code merge was *much*
faster than anticipated, I wouldn't be surprized if we can release 1.8 by end
of November with everything working (=nobody knows how to break it yet).

Please find the usual URLs below :
   Site index       : http://www.haproxy.org/
   Discourse        : http://discourse.haproxy.org/
   Sources          : http://www.haproxy.org/download/1.8/src/
   Git repository   : http://git.haproxy.org/git/haproxy-1.8.git/
   Git Web browsing : http://git.haproxy.org/?p=haproxy-1.8.git
   Changelog        : http://www.haproxy.org/download/1.8/src/CHANGELOG
   Cyril's HTML doc : http://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/

Have fun,
Willy -- feeling exhausted like a marathoner :-)

Complete changelog :
Baptiste Assmann (1):
      MINOR: lua: add uuid to the Class Proxy

Christopher Faulet (69):
      BUG/MINOR: spoe: Don't compare engine name and SPOE scope when both are 
      BUG/MINOR: spoa: Update pointer on the end of the frame when a reply is 
      MINOR: action: Add trk_idx inline function
      MINOR: action: Use trk_idx instead of tcp/http_trk_idx
      MINOR: action: Add a function pointer in act_rule struct to check its 
      MINOR: action: Add function to check rules using an action 
      MINOR: action: Add a functions to check http capture rules
      MINOR: action: Factorize checks on rules calling check_ptr if defined
      MINOR: acl: Pass the ACLs as an explicit parameter of build_acl_cond
      MEDIUM: spoe: Add support of ACLS to enable or disable sending of SPOE 
      MINOR: spoe: Check uniqness of SPOE engine names during config parsing
      MEDIUM: spoe: Parse new "spoe-group" section in SPOE config file
      MEDIUM: spoe/rules: Add "send-spoe-group" action for tcp/http rules
      MINOR: spoe: Move message encoding in its own function
      MINOR: spoe: Add a type to qualify the message list during encoding
      MINOR: spoe: Add a generic function to encode a list of SPOE message
      MEDIUM: spoe/rules: Process "send-spoe-group" action
      BUG/MINOR: dns: Fix CLI keyword declaration
      MAJOR: dns: Refactor the DNS code
      BUG/MINOR: mailers: Fix a memory leak when email alerts are released
      MEDIUM: mailers: Init alerts during conf parsing and refactor their 
      MINOR: mailers: Use pools to allocate email alerts and its tcpcheck_rules
      MINOR: standard: Add memvprintf function
      MINOR: log: Save alerts and warnings emitted during HAProxy startup
      MINOR: cli: Add "show startup-logs" command
      MINOR: startup: Extend the scope the MODE_STARTING flag
      MINOR: threads: Add THREAD_LOCAL macro
      MEDIUM: threads: Add hathreads header file
      MINOR: threads: Add mechanism to register per-thread init/deinit functions
      MINOR: threads: Add nbthread parameter
      MEDIUM: threads: Adds a set of functions to handle sync-point
      MAJOR: threads: Start threads to experiment multithreading
      MINOR: threads: Define the sync-point inside run_poll_loop
      MEDIUM: threads/buffers: Define and register per-thread init/deinit 
      MEDIUM: threads/chunks: Transform trash chunks in thread-local variables
      MEDIUM: threads/time: Many global variables from time.h are now 
      MEDIUM: threads/logs: Make logs thread-safe
      MEDIUM: threads/pool: Make pool thread-safe by locking all access to a 
      MAJOR: threads/fd: Make fd stuffs thread-safe
      MINOR: threads/fd: Add a mask of threads allowed to process on each fd in 
fdtab array
      MEDIUM: threads/fd: Initialize the process mask during the call to 
      MINOR: threads/fd: Process cached events of FDs depending on the process 
      MINOR: threads/polling: pollers now handle FDs depending on the process 
      MEDIUM: threads/signal: Add a lock to make signals thread-safe
      MEDIUM: threads/listeners: Make listeners thread-safe
      MEDIUM: threads/proxy: Add a lock per proxy and atomically update proxy 
      MEDIUM: threads/server: Make connection list (priv/idle/safe) thread-safe
      MEDIUM: threads/server: Add a lock per server and atomically update 
server vars
      MINOR: threads/server: Add a lock to deal with insert in updates_servers 
      MEDIUM: threads/lb: Make LB algorithms (lb_*.c) thread-safe
      MEDIUM: threads/queue: Make queues thread-safe
      MEDIUM: threads/freq_ctr: Make the frequency counters thread-safe
      MEDIUM: thread/vars: Make vars thread-safe
      MEDIUM: threads/filters: Add init/deinit callback per thread
      MINOR: threads/filters: Update trace filter to add _per_thread callbacks
      MEDIUM: threads/compression: Make HTTP compression thread-safe
      MEDIUM: thread/spoe: Make the SPOE thread-safe
      MEDIUM: thread/dns: Make DNS thread-safe
      MINOR: threads: Add thread-map config parameter in the global section
      MINOR: threads/checks: Add a lock to protect the pid list used by 
external checks
      MINOR: threads/checks: Set the task process_mask when a check is executed
      MINOR: threads/mailers: Add a lock to protect queues of email alerts
      MINOR: threads: Don't start when device a detection module is used
      BUG/MEDIUM: threads: Run the poll loop on the main thread too
      BUG/MINOR: threads: Add missing THREAD_LOCAL on static here and there
      MAJOR: threads: Offically enable the threads support in HAProxy
      BUG/MAJOR: threads/time: Store the time deviation in an 64-bits integer
      BUG/MEDIUM: threads: Initialize the sync-point

Dragan Dosen (4):
      IMPORT: sha1: import SHA1 functions
      MINOR: sample: add the sha1 converter
      MINOR: sample: add the hex2i converter
      BUG/MEDIUM: prevent buffers being overwritten during build_logline() 

Emeric Brun (15):
      MINOR: threads: Prepare makefile to link with pthread
      MINOR: threads: Add atomic-ops and plock includes in import dir
      MAJOR: threads/task: handle multithread on task scheduler
      MEDIUM: threads/stick-tables: handle multithreads on stick tables
      MINOR: threads/sample: Change temp_smp into a thread local variable
      MEDIUM: threads/http: Make http_capture_bad_message thread-safe
      MINOR: threads/regex: Change Regex trash buffer into a thread local 
      MAJOR: threads/applet: Handle multithreading for applets
      MAJOR: threads/peers: Make peers thread safe
      MAJOR: threads/buffer: Make buffer wait queue thread safe
      MEDIUM: threads/stream: Make streams list thread safe
      MAJOR: threads/ssl: Make SSL part thread-safe
      MAJOR: threads/map: Make acls/maps thread safe
      MEDIUM: threads/server: Use the server lock to protect health check and 
cli concurrency
      BUG/MAJOR: threads/freq_ctr: fix lock on freq counters.

Emmanuel Hocdet (9):
      BUILD: ssl: support OPENSSL_NO_ASYNC #define
      MINOR: ssl: build with recent BoringSSL library
      BUG/MINOR: ssl: OCSP_single_get0_status can return -1
      MEDIUM: ssl: convert CBS (BoringSSL api) usage to neutral code
      MINOR: ssl: support Openssl 1.1.1 early callback for switchctx
      MINOR: ssl: generated certificate is missing in switchctx early callback
      MINOR: update proxy-protocol-v2 #define
      MINOR: merge ssl_sock_get calls for log and ppv2
      MINOR: add ALPN information to send-proxy-v2

Lukas Tribus (2):
      BUG/MINOR: cli: restore "set ssl tls-key" command
      CLEANUP: cli: remove undocumented "set ssl tls-keys" command

Olivier Houchard (12):
      BUG/MEDIUM: server: Allocate tmptrash before using it.
      BUG/MINOR: checks: Don't forget to release the connection on error case.
      MINOR: http: Mark the 425 code as "Too Early".
      MEDIUM: ssl: Handle early data with OpenSSL 1.1.1
      MINOR: ssl/proto_http: Add keywords to take care of early data.
      MINOR: ssl: Don't abuse ssl_options.
      BUG/MINOR: dns: Fix SRV records with the new thread code.
      MINOR: ssl: Remove the global allow-0rtt option.
      MINOR: connection: introduce conn_stream
      MINOR: mux: add more methods to mux_ops
      MINOR: mux_pt: implement remaining mux_ops methods
      MAJOR: connection : Split struct connection into struct connection and 
struct conn_stream.

Thierry FOURNIER (8):
      MINOR: hlua: Add regex class
      BUG/MINOR: lua: const attribute of a string is overridden
      MEDIUM: threads/lua: Makes the jmpbuf and some other buffers local to the 
current thread.
      MEDIUM: threads/lua: Add locks around the Lua execution parts.
      MEDIUM: threads/lua: Ensure that the launched tasks runs on the same 
threads than me
      MEDIUM: threads/lua: Cannot acces to the socket if we try to access from 
another thread.
      MEDIUM: threads/xref: Convert xref function to a thread safe model
      MEDIUM: threads/tasks: Add lock around notifications

William Lallemand (13):
      MEDIUM: cfgparse: post section callback
      MEDIUM: cfgparse: post parsing registration
      CLEANUP: shctx: get ride of the shsess_packet{_hdr} structures
      MEDIUM: lists: list_for_each_entry{_safe}_from functions
      REORG: shctx: move lock functions and struct
      MEDIUM: shctx: allow the use of multiple shctx
      REORG: shctx: move ssl functions to ssl_sock.c
      MEDIUM: shctx: separate ssl and shctx
      MINOR: shctx: rename lock functions
      MEDIUM: shctx: forbid shctx to read more than expected
      MEDIUM: cache: configuration parsing and initialization
      MEDIUM: cache: store objects in cache
      MEDIUM: cache: deliver objects from cache

Willy Tarreau (110):
      CONTRIB: trace: add the possibility to place trace calls in the code
      CONTRIB: trace: try to display the function's return value on exit
      CONTRIB: trace: report the base name only for file names
      MINOR: stream-int: stop checking for useless connection flags in 
      MINOR: ssl: don't abort after sending 16kB
      MINOR: connection: move the cleanup of flag CO_FL_WAIT_ROOM
      MINOR: connection: add flag CO_FL_WILL_UPDATE to indicate when updates 
are granted
      MEDIUM: connection: make use of CO_FL_WILL_UPDATE in conn_sock_shutw()
      MINOR: raw_sock: make use of CO_FL_WILL_UPDATE
      MINOR: ssl_sock: make use of CO_FL_WILL_UPDATE
      MINOR: buffer: add the buffer input manipulation functions
      BUILD: Makefile: disable -Wunused-label
      MEDIUM: h1: ensure that 1xx, 204 and 304 don't have a payload body
      MINOR: h1: store the status code in the H1 message
      BUILD: stick-tables: silence an uninitialized variable warning
      CLEANUP: threads: replace the last few 1UL<<tid with tid_bit
      CLEANUP: threads: rename process_mask to thread_mask
      MINOR: h1: add a function to measure the trailers length
      MINOR: threads: add a portable barrier for threads and non-threads
      BUG/MAJOR: threads/freq_ctr: use a memory barrier to detect changes
      MEDIUM: connection: start to introduce a mux layer between xprt and data
      MINOR: connection: implement alpn registration of muxes
      MINOR: mux: register the pass-through mux for any ALPN string
      MEDIUM: session: use the ALPN token and proxy mode to select the mux
      MINOR: connection: report the major HTTP version from the MUX for logging 
      MINOR: connection: introduce the conn_stream manipulation functions
      MINOR: connection: make conn_stream users also check for per-stream error 
      MINOR: conn_stream: new shutr/w status flags
      MINOR: conn_stream: modify cs_shut{r,w} API to pass the desired mode
      MEDIUM: connection: make conn_sock_shutw() aware of lingering
      MINOR: connection: add cs_close() to close a conn_stream
      MEDIUM: mux_pt: make cs_shutr() / cs_shutw() properly close the connection
      MEDIUM: connection: replace conn_full_close() with cs_close()
      MEDIUM: connection: make mux->detach() release the connection
      MEDIUM: stream: do not forcefully close the client connection anymore
      MEDIUM: checks: exclusively use cs_destroy() to release a connection
      MEDIUM: connection: add a destroy callback
      MINOR: session: release the listener with the session, not the stream
      MEDIUM: session: make use of the connection's destroy callback
      CONTRIB: hpack: implement a reverse huffman table generator for hpack
      MINOR: hpack: implement the HPACK Huffman table decoder
      MINOR: hpack: implement the header tables management
      MINOR: hpack: implement the decoder
      MEDIUM: hpack: implement basic hpack encoding
      MINOR: h2: centralize all HTTP/2 protocol elements and constants
      MINOR: h2: create a very minimalistic h2 mux
      MINOR: h2: expose tune.h2.header-table-size to configure the table size
      MINOR: h2: expose tune.h2.initial-window-size to configure the window size
      MINOR: h2: expose tune.h2.max-concurrent-streams to limit the number of 
      MINOR: h2: create the h2c struct and allocate its pool
      MINOR: h2: create the h2s struct and the associated pool
      MINOR: h2: handle two extra stream states for errors
      MINOR: h2: add a frame header descriptor for incoming frames
      MEDIUM: h2: allocate and release the h2c context on connection init/end
      MEDIUM: h2: implement basic recv/send/wake functions
      MEDIUM: h2: dynamically allocate the demux buffer on Rx
      MEDIUM: h2: implement the mux buffer allocator
      MINOR: h2: add the connection and stream flags listing the causes for 
      MINOR: h2: add function h2s_id() to report a stream's ID
      MINOR: h2: small function to know when the mux is busy
      MINOR: h2: new function h2c_error to mark an error on the connection
      MINOR: h2: new function h2s_error() to mark an error on a stream
      MINOR: h2: add h2_set_frame_size() to update the size in a binary frame
      MINOR: h2: new function h2_peek_frame_hdr() to retrieve a new frame header
      MINOR: h2: add a few functions to retrieve contents from a wrapping buffer
      MINOR: h2: add stream lookup function based on the stream ID
      MINOR: h2: create dummy idle and closed streams
      MINOR: h2: add the function to create a new stream
      MINOR: h2: update the {MUX,DEM}_{M,D}ALLOC flags on buffer availability
      MEDIUM: h2: start to consider the H2_CF_{MUX,DEM}_* flags for polling
      MINOR: h2: also terminate the connection on shutr
      MEDIUM: h2: properly consider all conditions for end of connection
      MEDIUM: h2: wake the connection up for send on pending streams
      MEDIUM: h2: start to implement the frames processing loop
      MINOR: h2: add a function to send a GOAWAY error frame
      MINOR: h2: match the H2 connection preface on init
      MEDIUM: h2: enable connection polling for send when a cs wants to emit
      MEDIUM: h2: enable reading again on the connection if it was blocked on 
stream buffer full
      MEDIUM: h2: process streams pending for sending
      MINOR: h2: send a real SETTINGS frame based on the configuration
      MEDIUM: h2: detect the presence of the first settings frame
      MINOR: h2: create a stream parser for the demuxer
      MINOR: h2: implement PING frames
      MEDIUM: h2: decode SETTINGS frames and extract relevant settings
      MINOR: h2: lookup the stream during demuxing
      MEDIUM: h2: honor WINDOW_UPDATE frames
      MINOR: h2: implement h2_send_rst_stream() to send RST_STREAM frames
      MINOR: h2: handle CONTINUATION frames
      MEDIUM: h2: partial implementation of h2_detach()
      MEDIUM: h2: unblock a connection when its current stream detaches
      MEDIUM: h2: basic processing of HEADERS frame
      MEDIUM: h2: don't use trash to decode headers!
      MEDIUM: h2: implement the response HEADERS frame to encode the H1 response
      MEDIUM: h2: send the H1 response body as DATA frames
      MEDIUM: h2: skip the response trailers if any
      MEDIUM: h2: properly continue to parse header block when facing a 1xx 
      MEDIUM: h2: send WINDOW_UPDATE frames for connection
      MEDIUM: h2: handle request body in DATA frames
      MINOR: h2: handle RST_STREAM frames
      MEDIUM: h2: send DATA+ES or RST_STREAM on shutw/shutr
      MINOR: h2: use a common function to signal some and all streams.
      MEDIUM: h2: handle GOAWAY frames
      MINOR: h2: centralize the check for the idle streams
      MINOR: h2: centralize the check for the half-closed(remote) streams
      MEDIUM: h2: silently ignore frames higher than last_id after GOAWAY
      MINOR: h2: properly reject PUSH_PROMISE frames coming from the client
      MEDIUM: h2: perform a graceful shutdown on "Connection: close"
      MEDIUM: h2: send a GOAWAY frame when dealing with an empty response
      MEDIUM: h2: apply a timeout to h2 connections
      BUG/MEDIUM: h2: fix incorrect timeout handling on the connection


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