
On Fri, May 11, Marco Colli wrote:
> Hope that this is the right place to ask.
> We have a website that uses HAProxy as a load balancer and nginx in the
> backend. The website is hosted on DigitalOcean (AMS2).
> The problem is that - no matter the configuration or the server size - we
> cannot achieve a connection rate higher than 1,000 new connections / s.
> Indeed we are testing using loader.io and these are the results:
> - for a session rate of 1,000 clients per second we get exactly 1,000
> responses per second
> - for session rates higher than that, we get long response times (e.g. 3s)
> and only some hundreds of responses per second (so there is a bottleneck)
> https://ldr.io/2I5hry9

Is your load tester using https connections or http (probably https,
since you have redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc }) ? If https and each
connection renegotiates tls then there's a chance you are testing how
fast your VM can do tls negot.

Running top / htop should show if userspace uses all cpu.

Do you get better results if you'll use http instead of https ?


Jarno Huuskonen

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