Hello William L.,

I did some more testing:
I simplified my config, removing the multi binding part and cpu-map.
Conclusion is, I have this issue when I activate nbthread feature
(meaning no probkem without).

I tried to kill -USR1 the failing worker, but it remains.

Here are the Sig* from status file of one of the failing process:
SigQ:   0/192448
SigPnd: 0000000000000000
SigBlk: 0000000000000800
SigIgn: 0000000000001800
SigCgt: 0000000180300205

About the timing of reload, it seems to take a few seconds most of the
time, so I *think* I am not reloading before another is not yet done,
but I would appreciate whether I can check this fact through a file
before sending the reload; do you have any hint?


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