On 23/06/2018 14:42, mlist wrote:
You can use the `cookie` keyword and then remove the cookie with
http-request before you send it to the backend


# untested
cookie <cokie_name> insert indirect preserve nocache httponly
http-request replace-header Cookie cokie_name=([^~]*)(.*) cokie_name=\2

Maybe you can take a look into the code how the cookie is created ;-)

It is necessary to "not set Cookie secure" (in response to the client)
not deleting secure on the request.

cookie inserted for session management by "cookie <cookie name>
insert..." keyword is managed directly by haproxy.

Without possibility to add "secure" flag with condition (or use other
haproxy mechanism) none can use haproxy being compliant with cookie
security without doing a separate backend for each special case

I don't know any other solution.
Can't you use ansible or any other tool to setup the backends

Best regards




APKAPPA s.r.l. sede legale Via F. Albani, 21 20149 Milano | p.iva/vat no. 
sede amministrativa e operativa Reggio Emilia (RE) via M. K. Gandhi, 24/A 42123 
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-----Original Message-----
From: Aleksandar Lazic <al-hapr...@none.at>
Sent: martedì 12 giugno 2018 23:29
To: mlist <ml...@apkappa.it>
Cc: haproxy@formilux.org
Subject: Re: cookie insert method secure


On 12/06/2018 18:05, mlist wrote:
Hi Alekandar,

as I can see in the configuration documentation cookie command does not
seems to support <condition>
As now I use HA-Proxy version 1.8-dev0-530141f 2017/03/02 if I set "if { ssl_fc 
}" condition I get:

[ALERT] 162/194855 (10704) : parsing [/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:657] : 'cookie' 
supports 'rewrite', 'insert', 'prefix', 'indirect', 'nocache', 'postonly', 
'domain', 'maxidle, and 'maxlife' options.

Also on newer version documentation I cannot see support for <condition>


Ah you are right I haven't thought that this keyword can't work with

What you wrote was exactly what I'm looking for !

There are also other cockie new security specifiers such as SameSite=... ?

Sorry I don't understand this sentence.

I mean one can use other options then only those specified in the alert above. 

cookie <cookie_name> insert indirect preserve nocache httponly SameSite=strict

We can "add" a flag to a cookie passing "through" haproxy with " rspirep 
^(set-cookie:.*) \1;\ SameSite=strict ..."

[backend set a cookie] -> [haproxy add SameSite=strict to passing cookie] -> 
[client get altered cookie]

How we can do that with cookie completely added by haproxy as we see
"cookie insert" command doesn's seems to support flags like

[haproxy cookie insert SameSite=strict] -> [client get inserted cookie flag]

How about to handle this with http-request


e. g.:
# The regex matches the first string before ';'
http-response replace-header Set-Cookie ([^;]*);(.*) "\1; HttpOnly; 
SameSite=strict" if !{ ssl_fc }
http-response replace-header Set-Cookie ([^;]*);(.*) "\1; HttpOnly; SameSite=strict; 
Secure" if { ssl_fc }

The insert, indirect, preserve and nocache is a little bit complicated.

You can use the `cookie` keyword and then remove the cookie with http-request 
before you send it to the backend


# untested
cookie <cokie_name> insert indirect preserve nocache httponly
http-request replace-header Cookie cokie_name=([^~]*)(.*) cokie_name=\2

Maybe you can take a look into the code how the cookie is created ;-)


Best regards




APKAPPA s.r.l. sede legale Via F. Albani, 21 20149 Milano | p.iva/vat no. 
sede amministrativa e operativa Reggio Emilia (RE) via M. K. Gandhi, 24/A 42123 
- sede operativa Magenta (MI) via Milano 89/91 20013
tel.  02 91712 000 | fax  02 91712 339 www.apkappa.it<http://www.apkappa.it>

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-----Original Message-----
From: Aleksandar Lazic <al-hapr...@none.at>
Sent: marted? 12 giugno 2018 19:29
To: mlist <ml...@apkappa.it>
Cc: haproxy@formilux.org
Subject: Re: cookie insert method secure


On 12/06/2018 16:23, mlist wrote:

there is a mechanism to specify to command like:

cookie <cokie_name> insert indirect preserve nocache httponly secure

to insert secure only if the session is ssl ? So it is possible to use
this command on a common http/https backend without using 2 different
redundant backend ?

You mean something like this?

frontend http
default_backend common_backend

frontend https
default_backend common_backend

backend common_backend
cookie <cokie_name> insert indirect preserve nocache httponly if !{ ssl_fc }
cookie <cokie_name> insert indirect preserve nocache httponly secure if { 
ssl_fc }


There are also other cockie new security specifiers such as SameSite=... ?

Sorry I don't understand this sentence.

Thank you





APKAPPA s.r.l. sede legale Via F. Albani, 21 20149 Milano |
p.iva/vat no. IT-08543640158
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24/A 42123 - sede operativa Magenta (MI) via Milano 89/91 20013
tel.  02 91712 000 | fax  02 91712 339 www.apkappa.it<http://www.apkappa.it>

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HM, is the mailing list *the intended recipient* ;-) ?!

Best regards

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